I am a PhD student at ETH Zurich at Chair for Mathematical Information Science, which is part of the ETH Foundations of Data Science and the ETH AI Center. I received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2022 from TU Darmstadt

My research interests lie in the mathematical theory behind deep learning. Currently I am working on the logical theory of cellular automata and neural networks. 

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Publications and Preprints

On the Expressiveness of Multi-Neuron Convex Relaxations
Yuhao Mao*, Yani Zhang*, and Martin Vechev, arxiv:2410.06816, 2024. (* Equal contribution)

Automated digitization of paper ECG records using convolutional networks: a Faster R-CNN and U-Net approach
Haoliang Shang, Clemens Hutter, and Yani Zhang, CinC 2024, to appear. (6th place in the George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2024)

Cellular automata, many-valued logic, and deep neural networks
Yani Zhang and Helmut Bölcskei, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 2024, submitted.

Extracting formulae in many-valued logic from deep neural networks
Yani Zhang and Helmut Bölcskei, arxiv:2401.12113, 2024.

Direction-of-arrival estimation for correlated sources and low sample size
Yani Zhang, Tianyi Liu, and Marius Pesavento, EUSIPCO 2023.

Distributed robust bayesian cluster enumeration criterion for unsupervised learning
Yani Zhang, Freweyni K Teklehaymanot, Michael Muma, and Abdelhak M Zoubir, IEEE CAMSAP, 2019.


Teaching assistant for Neural Network Theory, Autumn 2023


Erdös number: 4

August 🐈

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